General Information of the Institution

General Institutional Objectives

  1. Decrease maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality with emphasis on the population with lower resources.
  2. Reduce chronic malnutrition in children under 5 years with emphasis on the population of extreme poverty.
  3. Decrease the morbidity and mortality of the prevalent diseases of the patient in each life cycle.
  4. Reduce pregnancy in teenagers.
  5. Reduce the incidence of TB and STIs.
  6. Early detection and diagnosis of degenerative chronic diseases.
  7. Implement a Biosafety Surveillance Committee.
  8. Strengthen the quality of comprehensive care in the hospitalization service.
  9. Strengthen the reference and counter-reference between EE.SS. and Hospital
  10. Formation of Morbi-mortality committees at Network and EE.SS. level.
  11. Guarantee the population's access to essential medicines and medical-surgical supplies and their rational use.
  12. Strengthen Health Promotion and monitoring of essential Public Health activities.
  13. Collection and detection of Family Violence cases.
  14. Decrease the incidence of occupational diseases in the EAP (Economically Active Population).
  15. Reduce emerging and reemerging diseases of international origin.
  16. Reduce the prevalence of environmental problems as risk factors for the presence of diseases in the Province of Ilo.
  17. Implement continuous improvement system and plans, continuous quality improvement projects.
  18. Strengthen the technical management capacity of Health Network Ilo.
  19. Operationalization of quality information system with opportunity.